Sexual and Moral Harassment in the Workplace
Research project: study, policy note, training manual and training, awareness videos. Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego (CITE) (2014-2016).
We did not find any recent initiative to combat sexual harassment and gender-based violence at work that meets our two selection criteria — availability of results in English or French, public dissemination online —, in outside the European project “Stronger Together” in which Croatia participated. Information and awareness guides have been published only in Croatian. Interesting initiatives have been identified which concern the fight against violence against women, but not in the context of work.
The Estonian Criminal Code was recently amended to comply with the Istanbul Convention. In 2017, stalking, female genital mutilation, forced marriage and the purchase of sexual services from trafficking victims were added to the penal code. Sexual harassment too but is considered in the criminal code as a minor offense.1 Studies and guides have been published in Estonian. However, we did not find any recent Estonian initiative according to our two selection criteria — availability of results in English or French, public dissemination online.
Many initiatives have been taken in Finland to combat sexual harassment at work and in other spheres. Legislation has also been strengthened in this direction1. However, to date, we have not found any recent Finnish initiative according to our two selection criteria — availability of results in English or French, public dissemination online.
1 See Finland’s Beijing+25 report and the NIKK/Nordic Council of Ministers report Ending sexual harassment – a precondition for gender equality: Nordic initiatives in the aftermath of #MeToo.